Gary King
I've lived in Wallingford since 1985, am married to the lovely Lisa and have 2 wonderful daughters, Alicia & Danni.
After my first Super Sprint Triathlon in May 2015, I immediately wanted to try again and also to get better at it! The search for a local Tri club began, and although I found a few, they were all a fair distance to travel to and with a young family and a FT job, I couldn't see it working.......SO....
on 1st November 2015 WTC was born and with the help of some local businesses and contacts (who we still work with today) we embarked of the first steps of our journey at a Tri club. And what a journey it's been so far, personally I have competed in more triathlons/events/races than I ever thought I would! Highlights including the London Marathon, several scenic half-iron distance tri's, a middle distance in beautiful Austria (twice) and most recently 50km and 100km ultramarathons.
All made possible by the excellent coaching I've received at WTC and the unwavering support of its members.
I'm very proud of WTC and its athletes achievements since 2015 and consider myself very lucky to have the current Committee, Coaching team and Sponsors around me to help achieve our aims.